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5 Tips On How To Take Great Water Photos

There are many water forms that you can use to make great photos. Some of these forms include: breaking waves and cascading waterfalls. For you to create take awesome water photos you need to put a number of tips into consideration. These tips include:

Freeze Water

There is no way you will take great photos if you don't freeze the water. One of the most effective ways of doing this is using a very fast shutter speed. This calls for you to set your camera to its fastest shutter speed.

Be Cautious When Shooting Large Waves

Waves are great when you shoot them properly. You should note that the larger the wave, the more dramatic it is. To take excellent photos you should use a lens with a long focal length. You should also remember to keep your distance when taking the photos.

Use Reflection To Your Advantages

Water has a great reflective quality; therefore, you should take advantage of it. For ideal results you should shoot in more than one direction while paying a lot of attention to the position of the sun.

To add interest to your photos you should try shooting early in the morning or late in the day. The cool thing with shooting at this time is that you allow the long shadows cast by the boats and other water objects to add interest to your photos.

Zoom In The Details

To get a closer look you should zoom in the details of the photos that you are taking. To shoot great images you shouldn't shoot the first object that catches your eye-you should take your time and identify any patterns that might be on the water. For example, if you are shooting on a water body with boats, you should identify a pattern in the ropes or any other items laid on the dock or boat's deck.

Include People And Wildlife

Although, you can take great photos of plain water, you should make the photos interesting by including people and any animals that might be near the water. For example, if your children or your family members are walking on the shoreline, you should take photos of them.

If you are going to photograph strangers, always seek their permission. For ideal results you should ask the people to avoid looking at the camera-they should act naturally.


These are tips on how to take great water photos. As rule of thumb you should ensure that you use high quality cameras.


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